Radon in our properties

By admin

New Map Shows Potential Radon Threat The province is reminding property owners to test for radon and is publishing a new online map to help identify areas with the highest potential risk of exposure. – 2013/11/21 – 10:48. • View Interactive Radon Risk Map – https://fletcher.novascotia.ca/DNRViewer/?viewer=Radon • View Map Showing the Potential for Radon in Indoor Air in…

The hidden connection: Energy efficiency and radon in your home

By admin

Have you heard of radon? It’s a colourless, odourless radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the ground. Radon gas can seep into our homes undetected. Although any level of radon carries a health risk, when you are exposed to high levels of radon, it can lead to lung cancer. In…